Friday, May 2, 2008

The voices in your head…

It's always in the back of your mind… what can "I" do to make a difference?

Start by waking up to your conscience. What's it telling you? DO THE RIGHT THING! Or maybe it's just whispering and you can't hear it… or every time you hear it, you're too concerned with the voice that's saying "do everything you can for you and screw everyone else?

Well, we all know which voice to listen to. There's no excuse. I've been listening to the "DTRTH" voice for as long as I can remember and telling others what it says, and doing what it says—opening doors for others, using my turn signal and even letting the guy who doesn't over when he needs to, teaching my son everything I can about selflessness and what a difference he can make by doing the right thing. etc.… it really works—I am making a difference and so is he! I sincerely believe that every single good thing I do, with a concern for the rest of the planet in mind, makes a difference. I believe I'm changing the world. I'm still taking care of my responsibilities and my family and still find the time and opportunities to do the right thing. It's not that hard. You just have to realize that all this "stuff" you're so busy trying to accumulate will not make you happy—doing the right thing for the well being of others will. Selflessness :)

So listen to your conscience and take some time to consider what's really important and how you can make a difference… and let me know how you do :)

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